
    How to Choose the Best Storefront Signage

    If you’re planning to open a new storefront or office, you’ll need the right signage to let everyone know you’re there and ready for business. If your business has recently rebranded, you’ll need an updated storefront sign to complement your new look. If you’re wanting to grow your business, take a look at your current signage and consider a new storefront sign with different coloring or lettering.

    When the correct storefront signage is used in conjunction with your interior signage and graphics, it helps to promote your brand image and highlight the professionalism of your business. So let’s get to it and discuss how to make the best decision for your storefront sign.

    1.Choose based on your situation

    You’ll want to make sure that you are choosing the right type for your situation and needs. For example: 


    • Monuments and Pylons for Hard-to-See Locations: If your business is set back from the road or is hidden from sight, a monument or pylon sign can be placed at the entrance or at the road in front of your location. This lets people know where you are located and what you do.


    • Awnings for Your Restaurant: An awning is a great addition to your restaurant storefront signage as it can draw attention as well as  shield your customers on rainy days. Don't forget to include your branding on your awnings to complement your other signage.


    • Banners for Special Events & Sales: Using these for sales or special offers can ensure that customers know about them, thus increasing your traffic during these promotions.


    • Illuminated Signs: An illuminated sign is a great choice for the front of your restaurant, especially if your restaurant is open at night and you want potential customers to find you easily. It can also help you stand out from other businesses around you. 

    2. Keep it consistent with your brand

    In order to promote your brand properly, you need to be consistent with your signage. A successful way to be consistent is to work with only one signage company, preferably Signage Inc. in Birmingham, AL (of course), who knows your brand and will be able to design almost any type of sign you need. Colors, fonts, logos, and other styling needs to be consistent so that people recognize your brand whether they’re driving by or inside your establishment. It should also flow with your “vibe” or design. A funky neon lit sign might not mesh with your upscale bedding store. 

    If you’re rebranding, it’s super important that you contact us so that all your signage can be changed over all at once to prevent confusion or disruption. 


    3. Consider Your Audience

    When designing your storefront signage, consider your target market and choose a sign that is going to appeal to them. Signage can help you make more money (or at least get people to your location), so you’ll want to target the right audience. For example, if you are targeting families with younger children, bright colours with cute or fun logos are a good option. Indoor signs in the lobby and wayfinding signage should keep that theme going, as it seems fun and comfortable. Children are attracted to playful colours and images and parents of young ones are going to have their eye out for kid-friendly establishments. 

    If your clientele tends to consist of more sophisticated, middle-aged adults, you’ll want to choose a design that is simple yet elegant. Clean, concise, and easy to read. It should be one that provides a more sophisticated, 'adult' feel. 

    4. Make It the Right Size

    Size is very important for storefront signs, because you’ll want passersby to be able to read it from a distance, even as they’re driving. Larger letters are just easier to read. If you want your storefront signs to be seen from a greater distance, make them as large as possible, keeping in mind that landlords or local ordinances may limit the size of your sign. At Signage Inc., we will help you determine the size of your sign based on the size of your building and any restrictions.

    5. Make it Legible 

    As we’ve just discussed, you need to make sure that people can read your storefront sign. This may seem like an obvious point, but it is very important to remember. Since people are likely driving by, it needs to be able to be read in just a few seconds. 

    Some businesses choose signs with unusual or overly fancy fonts that may look beautiful but are almost impossible to read quickly from a distance.

    Here are some important tips to make sure that your sign is legible:

    • Choose an easy-to-read font (check out this post about fonts)

    • Stay away from elaborate cursive fonts

    • Space lettering appropriately in between each letter. Avoid overlapping or crowding.

    • Don't overuse capital letters- all caps for long titles may be harder to read

    • Leave enough blank space around words and images

    6. Choose the Right Colors

    Can you imagine McDonald's arches being purple? What about your local mechanic having rainbow-colored lettering? Colors are critically important. You will want to choose colors that represent the atmosphere of your establishment and align well with your brand. You also want to pick colors that are highly visible. Check out one of our previous blog posts about the importance of color in signage, and what different colors tend to represent. 

    There are your 6 tips for how to pick the right storefront signage for your business. Thankfully, you’re not alone in your decision-making. Your local sign company, Signage Inc. in Birmingham, AL, is right here to help! When you’re ready to open a storefront or office, or are ready to improve your current space, contact us to let us make and install the right storefront sign for your situation.


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